Health Professionals Outside the Box Podcast

Trailer - Introduction to the Wellrestorer Wellness Podcast

Fisiwe Season 1 Episode 1

A podcast about invisible and visible illnesses and conditions, affecting the emotional, mental and physical wellbeing of individuals from diverse backgrounds

It features interviews with inspiring individuals sharing strategies of how they are challenging their limitations and navigation through life in their own unique way. You also hear from health and wellness advocates, experts and relevant speakers from various settings, sharing their knowledge and tips of improving health and wellness. The podcast will empower and inspire people affected, including their caregivers, friends and family members, to learn tools to help them develop emotional, mental and physical wellness and resilience. It is also a platform to encourage people to seek support, have open conversations and dispel stigma attached to illnesses. It is hoped that people will learn to live a joyful life despite their limitations. 

Track: Basic Implosion by Kevin MacLeod