Health Professionals Outside the Box Podcast

Episode 8 - Lewis Khaka - From Social Worker and a Mental Health Nurse to a supported living business.

Fisiwe Season 2 Episode 8

Lewis Khaka is a Social Worker and a Mental Health Practitioner. He is also a Director of  three  supported living accommodation facilities for adults and young people.  

We discuss:

1. The difference between supported living for young people and supported living for adults.
2.  How to approach a private landlord with intent to renting  a property.
3.  Financial considerations/start up costs to consider.
4. The process of submitting a tender to find contracts and key areas to be aware of. 
5. Other ways of getting clients and service users other than going through a bid/tender.
6. Considerations when applying for regulation by the Care Quality Commissions (CQC)
7. What his role as a director entails and skills he has been able to transfer from his clinical role. 
8. Challenging aspects of running a supported living business. 
9. Lessons he has learnt and his vision for the future.  

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Music: Basic Implosion by Kevin MacLeod