Health Professionals Outside the Box Podcast

Episode 12 - Psychologist to Founder of a digital mental health company

Fisiwe Season 2 Episode 12

Silja Litvin, is a Psychologist, CEO and founder of a digital mental health company called PsycApps. Her company uses gamification and psychology to help people help themselves. She launched an emotional fitness application called eQuoo, which is the only game only game that boosts mental and emotional health on the NHS Apps Library Silja has multiple articles published in peer-reviewed journals and two evidence-based mobile mental health applications making her one of the UK’s leaders in mobile mental health. 

We discussed:

1.  What led her to  Psychology as a career path.  
2. How the idea of eQuoo, the emotional fitness application game, came about.
3. What makes the App unique and stand out from the crowd.
4. Costs associated with developing an app. 
5. The team structure required to develop an app.
6. Points to be aware of when monetising mental health apps.
7. How working in partnership with other organisations contributed to the success of the app. 
8. Difficult moments she faced with whilst running her company ?
9. Plans to scale.


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Music: Basic Implosion by Kevin MacLeod